2019 is coming...

One thing I love to do every year is sit and discern what the new year will broadly have in store for me using a collection of methods, Radionics, Biorhythms and Numerology just to name a few things.


(2+0+1+9 = 12)



Numerology year  3 is considered as a symbol of the trinity and a number that brings good luck. Year 3 in Numerology also inspires and encourages generosity, power and positivity.

 Numerology year 3 gives people the strength they need to express their ideas freely and to fight against abuses of power (Not a political statement).

Year 3 motivates all the life paths to rise to the challenges they face as well as to defeat the obstacles ahead of them. 2019 is essentially about grabbing hold of all the opportunities available to you and making the best of them.