Thoughts on the old report.

Published in 1973,  this book shows it's age in many ways, however it is enduring and holds up as comprehensive report on Radionics up to the state of the art of 1973.

This book takes the progress of radionics from it's infancy with Abrams, outlining details such as the diagnostic areas for his original 'thumping method' that was used to show the body had intuitive ways of diagnosing itself to detailed information on his Oscilloclast device. Like most literature on Abrams it stuck strictly to his involvement in Radionics and gave very little external information on his life or external influence before, during or after his experimentation. The one thing it did cover with a certain level of clarity was Abrams spat in the 1920's with the British Governing body on Health. There was a challenge raised as to the authenticity and accuracy of the tests performed with his newfound technology that ended in an overwhelming support in court by Abrams many patients whom experience the lasting and accurate effects of treatment with Radionics.

Anecdotes such as the previous are primarily this book's focus. If appears the author's main intent was to convey the struggle that Radionics practitioners, even just as researchers face when daring to explore the far reaches and limits of fringe medical theory. One of the pictures the author paints with his story is the nature of the insulating community the practitioners had that appears to be all but last in present day. Sure we have forums and groups for Radionics but there seems to be no real local pockets of research with buildings and practices attached. I feel this could be largely because of the many anecdotes in this book. While there were many triumphs for Radionics and breakthroughs in the practice there were just as many examples of the medical and regulatory establishment cementing it's control in the community.

I guess the question this book poses in my mind is one of, where is the practitioner's place just at a local level. I refuse to accept that my place is huddled around my devices in a back room with a whispered hush so as to avoid persecution or judgment. Now where I believe the climate  exposed in this book has been particularly helpful has been in seeing Radionic's power for things other than medicine.This book doesn't cover the use of Radionics for tasks outside of the medical treatment/diagnostic. This mainly has to do with at the time of it being written it was still largely in the throws of a battle for legitimacy in the medical arena. It has been my experience that practitioners who use Radionics medicinally very rarely indicate that their craft is good for anything else. Influencing matter using intent and a machine to impact the human organism is one thing to them but using intent and a machine to bend reality to one's benefit is a complete other!